British website got their hands on a 5 song sample CD of Hilary Duff's new Dignity album. They had positive things to say overall, calling With Love "The best song of her career" and Play With Fire "surprisingly good". They also gave mild praise to three other songs on the album, "Stranger", "Danger" and "Burn". The final verdict on the 5 song sampler was "If you liked Hilary Duff before, you will like the new stuff a lot more. If you didn’t like Hilary Duff before, you will probably think she has come on leaps and bounds. Well done everyone involved."
It's nice to see some early positive vibes from a website like this. My only concern is that this is a British site, so they might like Hilary's new Europop sound more than people will in the United States. I just hope the reviews here in North America are as positive as the British ones will be.
Read the full popjustice review.
Popjustice also had a new picture that looks like it's from the Dignity photoshoot. Check it out:
Tags: Hilary Duff, Dignity, Play With Fire, With Love